See how OCHO links into 150 years of chocolate making tradition.
Cadbury History
150 years of chocolate-making tradition looked likely to end in 2017 when Mondelez, the new owners of Cadbury, announced the closure of its Dunedin chocolate factory with a shocking loss of 350 jobs. To keep the Dunedin chocolate heritage alive, a group of passionate enthusiasts led by Dunedin City Councillor Dr Jim O'Malley quickly launched the "own the factory" campaign with PledgeMe to crowdfund $2 million - at the time the fastest crowdfunding performed in New Zealand with over 3000 shareholders buying the shares in 32 hours. The aim was to supercharge OCHO, a small boutique Dunedin craft chocolate maker, into becoming a large craft factory, capable of servicing a growing specialised chocolate market. Thanks to an incredible groundswell of support to keep chocolate making in Dunedin the result was the formation of a diverse shareholder owned company with the aim of building Dunedin's chocolate capability through quality craft chocolate. Chocolate production continutes to thrive.